Fall in love with learning- Ms. Price
Hello and happy Saturday! I realize it has been quite a while since my last posting. The reason has been due to the additional hours it has taken me set up my classroom. For those of you who aren’t aware teachers are responsible for moving the furniture in their classrooms and setting up all of the materials it contains. Generally having to clean everything first. This process well exceeds the hours the district provides us time to do it in. The staff of people I work with have been working hard alongside me in preparation for the little humans coming our way. The hallways are filled with bulletin boards containing beautiful messages and captivating images. We also have all decorated the classroom doors for their arrival. The rooms are organized, colorful and inviting. School is a second home to the staff and students, most of our day is spent together. It’s a blessing I work in an environment that contains many loving and kind individuals who make my second home a place I enjoy going to.

Teaching Kindergarten has always been a dream of mine since childhood. I would spend hours playing school with my various childhood friends. I guess the game stuck because I knew my first day of college I would teach children how to love learning. My experience in teaching has not always been easy. In fact, most school years have included me switching either: schools, classrooms, grade levels or teaching partners. Those experiences have helped shape the teacher I am now and the person I am becoming. It’s through those struggles I have found my true endurance in my faith. I have been blessed more times than I can count by the kind words I have received from children. I find most children to be transparent and to receive their adoration is that to be desired. I don’t think we thank children enough for the hard work it takes in becoming an adult. I am privileged to say I’ve had a hand in helping shape many lives through my profession. The next young person you encounter I encourage you to thank them for all of the learning they have to do each day and the hard work it takes. Happy Labor Day! I thank all you who serve and take care of other people! Love, April