Meal prepping Sunday Funday
Good morning!! For the past few months most Sundays I've been meal prepping my power lunches for the week! I usually make 3-6 servings. I share servings with my gentlemen when I make six. When I eat the meal I usually add more fresh greens and avocado. So I portion about 1-1/2 cups in each meal. I recommend making yourself only three lunches at a time. I've found it gives me wiggle room for less food waste. If a change in lunch plans occurs I'm not locked into a meal that day, and can use it later in the week. Three meals also allows a little variety. If you don't mind eating five servings or know you will be eating in all week. I have found my lunches last all week in freshness. Wouldn't suggest extending that unless you freeze and reheat. Prepping takes stress off your weekly routine. I try to make all of my lunches plant-based and jampacked of vitamins, minerals, slow digesting carbs, healthy fat and lean protein. In this recipe I made it easy peasy by cooking it all in a steamer pot. I started by cutting up seven mini red and yellow peppers and threw them in the steam basket with a can of garbanzo beans.

Then in the other pot I added two cups of quinoa, two cloves of chopped garlic, two cups of veggie broth, one cup of water and two tbs of chia seeds.

Brought it to a boil, reduced it to a simmer and placed the veg on top of the quinoa to steam.

Once everything was cooked I added the chopped greens to the hot quinoa. I also added some left over riced sweet potato from the freezer about a cup.

Next I combined all of the ingredients and added the two table spoons of sauce and some mayo.

I should mention throughout the process I salt and peppered each layer. I was able to get six servings out of this! Yay!

Great flavor in the end. Also, the easiest meal prep I've done! Took less than an hour and I made my breakfast while it cooked! Happy Sunday and meal prepping! Love April