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Happy Labor Day if you observe it. I am very thankful for my career today and not having to work. I started the day with a needed fasting jog of 4.8 miles. It was honestly a struggle. I decided to do a weighted run (wore a backpack). The run would have been a challenge regardless, but the backpack just ended up pissing me off. At about the last mile I just took the darn thing off and ran carrying it. I have been focusing more on cycling this past summer to build up for commuting. It took the run to finally realize I haven’t had much of an appetite this past week. I’ve been eating but just to keep moving. Nothing appealed that much to me and was sporadically hungry. When I came home, I was real hungry, running always stokes my appetite. I finally made the correlation between my insomnia this past week and most nights stirring at about 1 am. I realized I was going through a slight depression. It’s happened like this once before where I didn’t even realize it until a friend recognized it for me the first time. I know it will pass, just takes time. Gratitude has been the thing I think that has helped a lot.

It is the night before the first day of school and even though this is my thirteen-time doing the first day, I am still filled with the first day jitters. Once the first day is over it is smooth sailing. I stayed extra late last Friday preparing. Knowing that everything is laid out on my table is a comfort. Making sure I don’t forget to explain something is a concern. SO much to cover the first day. I do have to say I am looking forward to meeting a small number of my friend’s tomorrow. A few years ago, MPS implemented staggered start only in kindergarten. Basically 1/3 of your case load show up the first three days and then all the children come on Friday. The low numbers really allow you to get to know your students and do some formative assessments right away. Most importantly I’ve noticed the impact on the students, they seem much more comfortable with the smaller number of peers. Sometimes they show up on the wrong day or come all the days. Either way I am looking forward to meeting my new friends’ tomorrow. Please send peaceful vibes my way tomorrow if you think of me. Have a nice night.

Love, April

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