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Living like Leberfing

Don't buy this wine
feel compelled to share this wine is simply a step up from cough syrup so unless this is the in-between of the evening it's not worth its...
Surprised, pleasantly so.
9/26/19 Well the Lord strong armed me into reflecting on this platform again, this time through the words of a child I met this evening....

It has been few days since I last posted, I needed a bit of extra time. I was given a prophetic dream on Tuesday night and a portion of...

Sunday Funday
9/8/19 Oddly I have been enjoying the chilly overcast day, as it has allowed me to slow down and regroup after a very busy and draining...

9/4/19 This is surely my latest entry this week, but I got back late from a hot date I took myself on to the golf range, grocery store,...
This morning was probably the coolest ride I have done so far this school year. About 50 degrees when I left the house at 6 am. One...
First day of Kindergarten
9/3/19 It was nice starting the week on a Tuesday, I think I would be okay if we just got rid of Mondays. Though Tuesday would quickly...
9/2/19 Happy Labor Day if you observe it. I am very thankful for my career today and not having to work. I started the day with a needed...

I am writing a tad earlier today as I sit here with all my art on my driveway. I felt prompted to do an art garage sale today and...
I am struggling right now with sitting down to do this, despite the cold beverage with a twist of lemon just left of the keyboard. Call...
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