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There are only a few days left in 2017 and with the holidays, school and aduliting it has been nice to have a few days to rest and recover from the demands of being a human in 2017. One thing I have been focusing on over the holiday season is self-love. Loving myself has always been a struggle ever since I can remember. I have always been filled with thoughts and feelings of not being enough. I at times have wanted to be a person I thought I wanted or should be instead of the amazing girl I am. How do we fall in love with ourselves? I think that is unique to every person and a different process for each. I am currently trying to fall in love with myself. It is easy to pick at ourselves instead of cherishing self. I read a quote from a trainer today about making a life resolution instead of a new year resolution. I was able to do that with my physical health. I need to apply that same philosophy to my emotional health and loving myself. I plan this to be a permeant resolution and not that of just a new year. I have begun the process by making a list which fits in my pocket. The list consists of only nice words about myself. I am going to read it daily to encourage myself. As I have stated in the past, words of affirmation is my number one love language. My own words are a simple way I can show myself a little love. My faith has been helping me reflect daily and brings me needed peace. I share this struggle of mine because I think many of us struggle with finding happiness in ourselves. I am hoping my words may bring a little peace, wisdom or encouragement. Hoping you give yourself a little extra love today. Happy new year and I send happy vibes to all!

Love, April

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